Note : All event traits are Legendary traits. As long as you have a legendary coral to use on your MYO (common or rare pearls), you're allowed to pick any legendary trait regardless of when the event was


Yoooo I’m Kai!! You can also call me Mari or Twilight!! My pronouns are she/he/moon and I’m the owner of this species!! My staffsona is Constellation and my staff emoji is 💫!! I primarily take care of discord duties, bank management, and masterlist management!! My DMs are always open for species related stuff!! I hope y’all are just as excited as I am for this species!!

Ahoy, I'm Julia or Rei (My staff emoji is ⚓). I mainly assist with managing the discord server and species currency, so feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns. I'm fairly active so I hope to always get back to you as quickly as possible! I hope you like Mantacats, I think they're skrunkly. My staffsona is Alcea

Hiya, I'm Fox! You can also call me Kestrel or Vani. I use they/he pronouns and my staff emoji is 🪶! I mainly upload to the masterlist and manage banking, but don't be afraid to message me if you need any type of assistance :D My staffsona is Bay! I'm excited to work with you all!

Howdy! I'm Oskar, but I also go by Mikey or Minx. My pronouns are he/they/xe/pony and my Staff emoji is 🌈! My staffsona is my itty bitty Glen! I'm a jack of all trades mod and generally just help out wherever I'm needed. Happy to be here and to help the community; Mantacats have whimsy off the charts ^ __ ^


Click on the images to view species information on them!


Mantacats are cat-like creatures, inhabiting all oceans on the planet, from warm tropical and equatorial seas to the frigid frozen oceans around the poles! They are a mix of both cats and mantarays! They're smooth like seals, very friendly and are amazing swimmers, usually seen swimming with divers out on sea and often guide lost sailors back to shore! Feel free to look at the links to learn more about them and their lore!
All mantacats must have some sort of eyes, ears, tails, antennas and fins of some sort


- To join the species, you will have to join the discord to participate!
- Any trait that isn't on the trait list won't be traited (ex. If you want your cat to have changing colors but it’s not on the trait list, you can still have your mantacat change colors, it just won’t be traited on the masterlist!)
- Mantacats is a discord-based closed species that uses the Mimu bot as our primary banking system for now! More information about the bot can be found here!
- We are currently working on a visual FAQ and visual banking guide!
- Feel free to check out our survey! We always appreciate recommendations and listening to our members' voices!
- Other examples for Ornament Antennas can be found here!
- The Non-Feline trait only includes mammals !